During his visit to Progressive Education Network office, Additional Inspector General of Police Tariq Masood expressed his disappointment over the current
education system of Pakistan. He said that Pakistan currently faces an education crisis of unprecedented proportions; there are 2.1 million boys and girls out of school, and of those children who do go to school, the vast majority receives an education of poor quality. Furthermore, he said that these schools have dilapidated buildings, missing facilities and require an expansion of classrooms to accommodate the increasing number of students. He also said that the education system of public schools is so poor that a 5th-grade student does not have the understanding of writing a sentence in either Urdu or English.
He then proceeded with appreciating the quality work by PEN and said that the institution is not only providing the basic and modern facilities to the children of public schools, but also providing them with an advanced educational system with modern facilities. He also decided to use the ideas, services and resources being used by Pakistan Education Network to improve the quality of the police in Pakistan.
#pen #tariqMasoodYasin #AIG_Police #qualityEducation #educationalCrisis #supportEducation #educationinPakistan #publicSchools

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