- Paracha, S., Clawson, K., Mitsche, N., and Hall, L. (2020). Design, Development, and Usability of a Virtual Environment on Moral, Social & Emotional Leaning. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (IJVPLE), vol 10(2):50-65, IGI Global. <>
- Paracha, S., Clawson, K., Mitsche, N., Jehanzeb, S., and Hall, L. (2019). Co-design with Children: Using Participatory Design for Design Thinking and Social and Emotional Learning. Open Education Studies, Vol 1(1):267-280, De Gruyter.
<> - Ahmadzai N., and Paracha, S. (2016). Why do projects crash & burn in fragile countries? Review of Integrative Business & Economics Research, Vol 5(1), 315-328.
- Paracha, S., and Yoshie, O. (2012). A Robust Interactive Narrative Framework for Edutainment. International Journal of Interactive Communication Systems and Technologies, Vol. 2, No.1, pp.18-35, IGI Global.
- Paracha, S., and Yoshie, O. (2011). Exploring the role of Drama and Storyboarding in Learner-Centered Scenario Generation. Intelligent Decision Technologies Journal, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 237-252, IOS Press.
- Paracha, S., Mohamad, M. H., Jehanzeb, S., and Yoshie, O. (2009). A Review of Basic Kanji Courseware. IEEE Technology and Engineering Education (ITEE), Vol. 4, No.1/2, pp. 24-30, IEEE Education Society Student Activities Committee.
- Paracha, S., Mohamad, M. H., Jehanzeb, S., and Yoshie, O., “Promoting Autonomous Computer Assisted Language Learning,” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol.5, No.4, pp.493-498, April 2009.
- Paracha, S., and Yoshie, O. (2008). Combating Juvenile Delinquency with Empathic Agents. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol. 8, No.9, pp.196-205.
- Best, M., Paracha, S., and Bayor, A. (2017). “Digital Peacekeeping Partnering to enhance technological experimentation and innovation within UN Peacekeeping,” In UNU-CS 3 Pager, Pelikan Projects.
<> - Best, M., Paracha, S., and Bayor, A., Sehgal, S. (2017). “Towards Values Centred Design for Peacekeeping,” In UNU-CS, Pelikan Projects.
Books & Chapters
- Paracha, S., Takahara, S., and Jehanzeb, S. (2018). Cultural Implications for Student Engagement in Online Learning. In A. V. Senthil Kumar (Eds.), Optimizing Student Engagement in Online Learning Environments, Chapter 2: 28-58, IGI Global: USA.
<> - Paracha, S., and Inoue, A., and Jehanzeb, S. (2018). Detecting Online Learners’ Reading Ability via Eye-Tracking. In A. V. SenthilKumar (Eds.), Optimizing Student Engagement in Online Learning Environments, Chapter 8:163-185, IGI Global: USA.
<> - Paracha, S., Jehanzeb, S., and Yoshie, O. (2009). “Examining the Theoretical Schema of Shimpai Muyou! Narrative LearningEnvironment,” In Recent Advances in Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications, M. Grgic et al. (Eds.), SCI 231, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp.579–609.
- Development-in-Azerbaijan-after-the-Armenian-War.
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