Mathematics Grade 9

Unit -1 Matrices and Determinants

Matrix & Order of a Matrix

Equal Matrices

Exercise 1.1

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Types of Matrices part 1

Types of Matrices part 2

Types of Matrices part 3

Exercise 1.2

Types of Matrices Question 1

Types of Matrices Question 2

Types of Matrices Question 3

Negative of Matrices Question 4

Transpose of Matrices Question 5

Transpose of Matrices Question 6

Exercise 1.3

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8 part i

Question 8 part iii

Question 8

Exercise 1.4

Ex 1.4 Question 1

Ex 1.4 Question 2

Ex 1.4 Question 3

Ex 1.4 Question 4

Ex 1.4 Question 5

Ex 1.4 Question 6

Exercise 1.5

Ex 1.5 Question 1

Ex 1.5 Question 2

Ex 1.5 Question 3

Ex 1.5 Question 4

Ex 1.5 Question 5

Ex 1.5 Question 6

Exercise 1.6

Ex 1.6 Question 1 part i

Ex 1.6 Question 1 part ii

Ex 1.6 Question 2